Shops1920s Mr and Mrs Page Landlord of the Moon and Stars. Formerly two dwellings in the 17th C and rebuilt in the 18th C. There were problems with rats which once ran off with Mrs Page's teeth and customers were so cold that they used to collect wood on the way to the pub to make the fire bigger. 1920s - 30s The pony and trap outside the Moon and stars was used for deliveries. The baker (Mr Farr) and the butcher used to deliver from Baldock. Mr Moss, the grocer, came on his bike to take orders which were then delivered at the end of the week. Treacle Lane sweet shop (Treacle Cottage) was run by Elsie Lawman's mother who had a bit of her thumb missing which made Rushden's treacle dabs unique. The shop closed in the late 1920s.The Post Office was run by Elsie Lawman and was open from the 1920s to the late 1960s. It sold all sorts except food. The General Stores (Barberry Cottage) was started after the Sale of Rushden by Mr Lyons. It was later run by Mrs Driver and then by her sister Eva Matthews and Sally Sale. It sold food, sweets and icecreams and closed in the early 1970s. Mill End shop at No 7 was run by Mrs Self in the 1940s in an old railway carriage. It was taken over by Mr and Mrs Knapp who started building a new house. They kept chickens and sold eggs until the 1970s. They also had a donkey and a pony who used to wander into the rooms until the donkey was electrocuted by loose, live wires. Sadly the Knapps ran out of money and had to sell the unfinished house (today's Mill House). Post Office and shop closed before decimalisation in 1971. The Post Office and General Stores. 1969 - Miss E. Matthews (left) and Miss S. Sale outside the general stores. |